Why am I starting a blog?
I know it’s the question on your lips, I can see you just dying to know.
Is it a plea for attention? Do I feel I have things inside me, deep, philosophical ideas that I need to share with the world? Do I just want to add one more blog in an already cluttered internet full of people sharing their views on everything from politics to the arts to strange sex practices performed only in the darkened clubs in
Sure. All of the above. Why not?
The truth is, as I get older and crankier, I feel that I have so much running around in my head half the time that it’s better to just get it out on paper, out in the open. Thoughts about life. Books. Films. Comics. Music. Living in NYC. Politics. Food. Beer. Relationships. Strange sex pract----all sorts of thoughts. And in the end, I guess I just want to put them down on paper. But that’s the easy part.
Letting them out for the world to see is the hard part. I have never been comfortable putting myself out front or on stage. In fact, I made all my friends watch me at a karaoke bar one birthday just so I could challenge myself with getting up there. Most people who think of me as a smartass, as outgoing, someone who is willing to speak his mind, would be surprised how introverted and shy I really feel about myself. As I get older, I find that is a trait I want to change.
So I guess this is a start in that direction.
We shall see how it goes.
I don’t know how regularly I will update this thing. I might get bored. I might get addicted. I might get sleepy. But I am willing to see how long I can keep this little growth experiment going. And I hope you will be gentle with me on the ride.
Except you. You know who you are.
Welcome to the world of stream-of-consciousness exhibitionism!